What is the process for upgrading early model Powerpacks?

This article describes the process for upgrading Powerpacks for earlier Fonz Moto vehicles, Fz, S1 and X1

Fonz Moto earlier model vehicles are no longer in production. Fz and S1 stopped being manufactured in 2018 and X1 in 2019. Powerpacks should not be stored for long periods of time and therefore Fonz Moto is no longer supplying these Powerpacks.

Replacement Powerpacks are available with later model variant Arthur series Powerpacks.

The below Replacement Powerpack Table provides information relating to specifications and compatibility.

Fonz Moto offers a replacement Powerpack Package subsidy offer for owners with early model vehicles when retiring their earlier model Powerpack. Request a quote by emailing support@fonzmoto.com

IMPORTANT: Powerpacks should be retired and recycled at end-of-life. Fonz Moto strongly recommends retiring Powerpacks at 7 years.

CAUTION: Please see important information related to how to recycle Powerpack battery cells at end-of-life?


Model Original specification Replacement specification Compatibility and notes


  • 27% more range than the original Powerpack (Pp)
  • Power cable is replaced to round port DC Chogori connector
  • Powerpack (Pp) carrier box does not require replacement, however only 1 Powerpack will fit under saddle
  • Charger is replaced to be compatible with Chogori Power cable
  • Controller is reprogrammed to match the equivalent Arthur Powerpack performance
  • SOC % is displayed on the Powerpack, 5 increments 100-81%, 80-61%, 60-41%, 40-21%, 20-0%
  • Powerpack % (SOC) is not displayed on the speedometer
S1 /X1 3.3kWh 3.3kWh
  • Range is the same as the original Powerpack (Pp)
  • Power cable is replaced to round port DC Chogori connector
  • Powerpack (Pp) carrier box does not require replacement
  • Charger is replaced to be compatible with Chogori Power cable
  • Controller is reprogrammed to match the equivalent Arthur Powerpack performance
  • SOC % is displayed on the Powerpack, 5 increments 100-81%, 80-61%, 60-41%, 40-21%, 20-0%
  • Powerpack % (SOC) is not displayed on the speedometer